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Wrestling at Districts

The Charger wrestling team finished 2nd at the District wrestling tournament this weekend. District champions include Abe Hermes and Luke James. While Mason Hermes and Xander Gfell-King finished third. All four wrestlers qualified for the State Tournament this upcoming weekend. Quentin Cox finished 5th and secured his position as a State Alternate. AJ Crabtree, Josiah Walbom and Joel Smith all won matches and competed hard, earning very valuable team points! All around, there was a great team effort from the Chargers!

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Wrestling at Sectionals

The Charger wrestling team won the Sectional Championship this past weekend. Individual sectional champions include Mason Hermes, Abe Hermes, and Luke James. Finishing second were Xander Gfell-King, Quentin Cox, and Joel Smith. AJ Crabtree and Josiah Walbom finished 3rd. Kamden Horvath and Kaleb Martin finished 5th. The Chargers send 8 wrestlers and 2 alternates to this weekend's District tournament!
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Wrestling at SBC Championships

The Charger wrestling team finished 2nd in the SBC Bay Division by 1/2 of a point. SBC placers include: Kaleb Martin 7th, Joel Smith 6th, Josiah Walbom 5th, AJ Crabtree 4th, Quentin Cox 4th, Xander Gfell-King 2nd. Champions included Mason Hermes, Abe Hermes, and Luke James. Mason and Luke become 2-time SBC Champions. Abe Hermes won his 4th SBC Championship, becoming the 17th four-time Champion in SBC history and 5th in Edison history.
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Wrestling at SMCC D3 Duals

The Charger wrestling team went 9-1 and finished 2nd at the SMCC D3 Duals. Wrestlers with 10-0 records were: Mason Hermes, Xander Gfell-King, Abe Hermes, and Luke James. Abe Hermes was named Most Outstanding Wrestler of the lightweights. The Chargers will be back in action at the Regional State Duals this Saturday at Genoa. Please come out and show your support!
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Wrestling Quad Match

The Edison Charger Wrestling Team had a dominant performance last night defeating Mohawk 48-29 and Port Clinton 54-29. Wrestlers going 2-0 were Urijah Ojeda, Mason Hermes, Josiah Walbom, Max Limberios, Luke James and Joel Smith. Great job Chargers!
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