Students of the Month / Quarter

February Student of the Month

The Berlin Heights Kiwanis are pleased to announce Ingrid Berckmueller is the February Student of the Month at Edison High School.


Ingrid has been chosen for her contributions to Edison High School and the Berlin Heights and Milan communities.  Ingrid’s school activities:  Class President; Student Council; Interact Club Officer; Speech & Debate (national alternate, state competitor in poetry); Mock Trial (attorney and witness); National Honor Society Treasurer; French Club President; French Honor Society; currently working on obtaining her bi-literacy seal in French; Soccer (All-Star, District 2nd Team, Charger Award recipient); track (regional competitor, highest point scorer for girls team, coach’s award recipient); Buckeye Girls’ State; honor roll; President’s Award of Academic Excellence recipient; State Trooper Program member; and 4-H (champion beekeeper, state competitor, outstanding national resource exhibitor).


Ingrid plans to study biology and history with a minor in French at Washington and Lee University.  She also plans to attend graduate school to purse a law degree. Ingrid would like to work overseas in France or a French-speaking African region helping young women and children in less fortunate areas of life either through her profession or volunteering. Ingrid is the daughter of Fritz and Bethany Berckmueller of Milan, Ohio. 

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Honor and Merit Roll 2nd Quarter

Honor Roll – 2nd Quarter
*Denotes 4.0 or higher
Becca Aguilar, Kayla Bernard, Lilly Davis, Jackson Esser, Josh Felter, Grace Flowers, Kearstyn Fluty, Madison Geiger, Hadley Goodwin, Hallee Hatmaker, Weston Hoover, Juliana Johnson, Mya Koch, Oshel Kryger, Jordan Lewis*, Lariah McMinn*, Whitley Rockwell*, Wesley Seel*, Nathaniel Stott, Lani Tessaro*, Peyton Werner*, Samantha Wetzel
Kenzie Bauer, Scarlett Bennett*, Peyton Bissell*, Abby Cloud*, Aili Corfman*, Alaina Cowley*, Natalie Desautels, Autumn Enzor*, Mario Estrada Patlan, Caleb Fansler*, Rose Gall*, Sevastian Garton, Weston Gfell*, Macari Harris*, Daisey Heil, Eli Hermes*, Mason Hermes, Caleb Jeremay*, Trevor Leimeister*, Elena Moore, Jace Pinkston, Savannah Reiter*, Luke Rodecker, Kevin Ruby, Piper Rupp; Oz Rutger, Lukas Schaeffer*, Noah Schoenherr*, Annabelle Seville*, Leah Sharp, Caitlyn Soellner, Mabel Stoll, Klayton Valentine, Jacoby Valimont, Alice Watson
Logan Ackerman*, Christina Arnold*, Sophie Baker, Kourtney Balde*, Ella Booth, Stella Brown*, Lizzie Campbell*, Addison Chambers, Cayden Clere, Katie Cumston, Alex Davidson, Julieta De Loera Figueroa*, Logan Facemire, Ava Gardner, Rozeta Gevorgyan, Liza Gornek, Becca Houser, Jenna Keoghan, Carter Kuffa, Jacob Kuhl, Cole Leimeister, Kellen McDonnell, Brody McFadden, Paige McFadden*, Blayke McKillips*, Coltyn Meagrow, Gabby Mesenburg, Mary Moon*, Taylor Moore, Tyler Pounds, Dana Preston*, Gracie Rang, Ilah Reynolds*, Lily Risner, Kellyn Ritchie*, Ezri Rutger*, Cameron Sallee, Mia Stover, Andrew Strecker, Peyton Taylor*, Nicole Vesely, Taylor Wlodarsky*, Navea Yamanouchi
Kyle Aguilar, Grace Anderson*, Kendall Balde, Madison Ballah, Ingrid Berckmueller*, Audrianna Burnham, Jacob Bursley, Jorja Byington, Amelia Chartrant, Rory Conrad*, Zoey Corfman*, Quentin Cox, Jace Danda, Anastasia Danner*, Gabriel Dymond, Cyrus Finnen, Lily Fisher*, Charlotte Gall, Savannah Garn, Taylor Geiger, Everett Gfell*, Eli Gibson, Leah Gill*, Kaira Gulett, Abe Hermes, Charles Houck, Alaina Keegan, Dane Keller, Ivy Kluding*, Lucas Langhals, Alexis Lewis, Mia Martin*, Jackson Michaelis*, Ethan Moore, Aubrey Palmer-Roesch, Zachary Rang, George Rhodes*, Grayson Smith, Rowen Smith*, Maylie Weilnau*, Luke Whiley, Isabella Wilson*

Nolan Bango, Stella Bloom, Matthew Dahs, Connor Goodwin, Morgan Handshoe, Kamden Horvath, Ezra Logan, Hannah McConnell, Layla McKillips, Kaden Mees, Ian Preston, Nathan Simpson, Sophia Steffanni, Devyn Taylor, Genavieve Walton, Hannah Whiteman, Rosemary Wooten
Gavyn Blackburn, Elizabeth Burke-Butler, Sophia Chaput, Colten Collins, Dravyn DeLeon, Josie Kent, Emma Lesniak, Delaney Majer, Kaleb Martin, Morgan O’Dell, Ella Pennell, Silas Perez, Colton Ritz, Dylan Smith, Jadelyn Ziegelhofer
Gunner Bunting, Penny Carlson, Delaney Fields, Destiny Gulett, Cailee Horvath, Joy Jordan, Breanna Leimbach, Hayden Lewis, Madyson Maynard, Avery McIntyre, Colten Scott, Chaz Smith, Joshua Thompson, Logan Trizna, Jaylah Weaver, Adison Wechter
Luke Blatnik, Raina Crnjak, Keegan Dingle, Nathan Dolsen, Rachel Frederick, Xander Gearheart, Matthew Goodrich, Colin Grosswiler, Malahki Hawkins, Luke James, Caleb Johnson, Ava Limberios, Gavin Mesenburg, Ricky Oliver, Caden Shaffoe, Sidney Smith, Katie Warren

Students of the Quarter - 2nd Quarter

Art – Emma Lesniak

EHOVE – Colin Butler, Julieta De Loera Figueroa

Family and Consumer Science – Christina Arnold

HPE – Jordan Lewis

Language Arts – Ivy Kluding, Hadley Goodwin, Annabelle Seville, William Stargel

Math – Hallee Hatmaker, Eli Hermes, Caleb Fansler, Isabella Kerpics

Music – Ricky Oliver, Addison Chambers

Science – Savannah Reiter, Stella Brown, Mya Koch

Social Studies – Kellyn Ritchie, Nicole Vesely, Eli Hermes

–Trevor Leimeister

World Language – Ilah Reynolds, Nicole Vesely, Lani Tessaro
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