Morning Announcements - Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The weather for today is cloudy with a high of 18.

The Charger Cafe will serve cheesy breadstick with sauce, or Daily Grab & Go, steamed broccoli, mini rice krispie treat, fresh fruit and milk for lunch today.

Today’s Trivia question is: What does SPF in sunscreen stand for?

Attention speech and debate state qualifiers: Mr. Amstutz will meet with all congressional debaters today in the library!  Remember to bring your speeches!

The Yearbook Cover Contest starts today. Any student who is interested in creating a cover for the 2024-25 yearbook should plan on stopping in the library and pick up a packet from Mrs. Bishop right after these announcements.

7th Grade students are reminded that their Washington D.C. permission slips and/or chaperone paperwork are to be handed by this Friday, February 21 to Mrs. Bishop or Mr. LaCivita.

This Friday, February 21 there will be a dance for just EMS 7th & 8th grade students from 6:30-8:30 pm in the gym. Admission is only $3.

Tonight there is a meeting for any 8 th grade student who wishes to participate in band next year. It will be held in the high school band room starting at 7.

All 5th grade band members will have band today to practice for this weekend’s concert. All 5th grade band members will report to Mrs. Rosekelly’s room during specials.

Yearbook! Yearbook! It’s time to order your 2024-25 Edison Middle School Yearbook. Once again it will be full of pictures and the cost is $20. Information is on the flier which you received. The trivia answer is that SPF in sunscreen stands for Sun Protection Factor.

We would like to close with this quote from poet Waldo Emerson: “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.”

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