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Morning Announcements - Friday, November 15, 2024

The weather for today is cloudy skies with a high of 52. 

The Charger Cafe will serve fresh baked pizza, sweet corn, carrots and ranch, fresh fruit and milk 

Today’s Thanksgiving Riddle is from Kyla Isaac. The riddle is who is never hungry on Thanksgiving?

We are still accepting Thanksgiving riddles or jokes. Just write it out and drop it off at the main office. 

The deadline for ordering Spirit Wear is Monday, November 18. Fliers were sent out on Final Forms. 

Student council reps who are planning on helping out next Friday November 22, should send Mrs. B an email or let her know at Monday’s morning meeting. 

The answer for the riddle is that a turkey is never hungry on Thanksgiving because it’s always stuffed.

We would like to close with a quote by an unknown author: “November is the month where no one knows what to wear.”